Sunday, January 18, 2009

Multimedia Writing Post 1

The rapidly evolving venues of communication and literary publication cannot be said to spring at the modern reader, no, in fact they seem to creep into our daily lives quietly and subtly. After reading the first chapter of Bolter's "Writing Space" it dawned on me that over the past few years, namely since starting my college career, I had thoughtlessly adopted a multifarious collection of writing formats into my every day life. It really didn't take a lot of consideration to substantiate for myself that Bolter's theory of the future of writing is less science fiction and more pragmatist than I might have thought.
Although communicating through multimedia (email, text, IM, social networks, etc) is second nature to me now, in retrospect, I can see that it wasn't always so. It's not necessarily my own new individual writing space which first came to mind when I realized just how involved I am in this, the "late age of print". It was the voice of the reputable writer, the voice for which I frequently spend hours browsing on the Internet. The world of journalism and communication has taken to the digital age swiftly and effectively. It occurred to me that I spend little time watching the news on TV or even reading it in a newspaper. I now turn to the Internet to get my news. Whether on the computer or on my mobile Internet I constantly check on the latest news feeds. With continued discussion and reading of Bolter, I realized the truth of one of his declarations; that media birthed in the "age of print" is purely static.
It's true that technology does not directly influence or mold our society; our society reacts and redefines cultural and communicative standards and boundaries based on its use and reaction of technology.
In reflection, utilize hypermedia because it offers me options. In reading a newspaper or even watching television, I'm hindered by the static pages and programming. With hypermedia I can define and alter the way in which I receive my information. I choose how the news speaks to me as a reader and a viewer. In a sense, I become the author because I dictate the writing space for myself.


Abernathy said...

Well written!! I really enjoyed reading this one. Sometimes it is as if we have kicked ourselves into hyperdrive in the realms of technology. Nothing shocks us anymore!!

C.W.Henson said...


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